To børn og en læge sidder ved bord. Lægen har kittel på. De kigger en bamse i ørerne.

Øvrige forskningsartikler

Her er en række relevante forskningsartikler om børn og unge med høretab.

  • West et al (2018): Cochlear Implantation til børn
  • Glick & Sharma  (2017): Cross-modal plasticity in developmental and age-related hearing loss: Clinical implications
  • Geers et al (2017): Early Sign Language Exposure and Cochlear Implantation Benefits
  • Sharma et al (2014):. Developmental and cross-modal plasticity in deafness: Evidence from the P1 and N1 event related potentials in cochlear implanted children

  • Yoshinaga-Itano (2014): Principles and guidelines for early intervention after confirmation that a child is deaf or hard of hearing
  • Quittner et al (2013): Effects of maternal sensitivity and cognitive and linguistic stimulation on cochlear implant users’ language development over four years
  • Fulcher et al (2012): Listen up: Children with early identified hearing loss achieve age-appropriate speech/language outcomes by 3 years-of-age
  • Flexer, C (2011): Cochlear Implants and neuroplasticity: linking auditory and practice
  • Dornan et al (2010): Is auditory verbal therapy effective for children with hearing loss?
  • Sharma et al (2010): A sensitive period for cochlear implantation in deaf children
  • Flexer, C. (2005): The Power of Hearing
  • Mitchell et al (2004): Chasing the mythical ten percent: Parental hearing status of deaf and hard of hearing students in the United States